Kingsgate Primary School
Kingsgate Primary School
Our school
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GDPR Privacy notice
Staff 2024-2025
Key information
British values
DFE performance tables
Financial information
Music Development Plan
Ofsted report
Online safety
Parent surveys
PE & sport premium
Pupil attainment and progress
Pupil premium
Pupil safeguarding survey
Staff questionnaire
Supporting teachers to manage their workload
Parent information
After school childcare for working parents
After school clubs
Breakfast club
Change of contact details
Free school meals
Health and wellbeing services for parents and carers
Home alone form
Illness, medication and first aid
Lunch menu
Musical instrument lessons
Ofsted parent view
Parent information sessions and activities
Parent tours 2024-2025
Paying for school dinners (nursery parents only)
PE days
Raising concerns and complaints
Relationship, health and sex education
Remote education
Request for leave of absence during the school term
School meals and packed lunches
School opening hours
School uniform
Supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities
Supporting children in reception and KS1 with their reading
Supporting children's wellbeing - a guide for parents and carers
Supporting good mental health in schools
Our curriculum
Content of our school curriculum
Cultural capital
Curriculum booklets
Curriculum photo gallery
How can you find out more about our curriculum?
Intent Implementation Impact
Key Stage 1 phonics
Recommended books for children to enjoy at home
Trips and visitors
What is your child learning this term?
Whole school curriculum map
Curriculum: Design & technology
Ethos and
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